Structural Integration: The Operating Principle

This is the gospel of Structural Integration: When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.
---Dr. Ida P. Rolf

Emmett Hutchins

Emmett grew up in Washington State and went to the University of Washington, with a double major in mathematics and physics. After college he moved to California, where he had a successful computer consulting business for a number of years. He went to Ida Rolf seeking relief from a chronic physical problem, and the results were so impressive that he became one of her early students.

Eventually Dr. Rolf chose Emmett and Peter Melchior to start her school, which was the first Guild for Structural Integration. After several years of teaching and working with Dr. Rolf, Emmett developed the concept of the two-way operator, or lemniscate, as a tool for Structural Integration.

Emmett is famous for his exceptional results in working with women and infants, as well as for his superb teaching. In the 1990s he moved from Boulder to Kauai, where he still teaches classes and workshops for the Guild for Structural Integration.